
The information you obtain from Free Laptops is general information that is not intended to be used as a source of professional advice. As much as we endeavor to provide the most accurate and timely data, we do not warrant, either expressly or implied, the website and the information, products, services, and related graphics published on the website to be completely accurate, current, full, free from error, or suitable for any particular purpose. 

No Legal Advice 

The information contained on this website is not legal advice. You should not consider the information provided here to be accurate or valid and always seek the advice of relevant professionals or relevant government departments if you want to make a decision about it. 

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By using this website, one may come across some links that lead to other websites that are beyond FreeLaptops control. We shall not be liable for any links or articles published on other Web sites linked to any of our Web sites. 

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Under no circumstances shall Free Laptops be liable for any loss or damage suffered by users or otherwise as a result of their usage of the pages on this website. 

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This disclaimer stands as valid at the time that this document was written and may be updated periodically in the future. All changes, if made, will be published on this page to indicate the date of the last revisions made. 


If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer, please email us at info@freelaptopsfromgovernment.com

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